Sergey Tokarev

SHE is SCIENCE has got huge popularity in Ukraine and has already aroused a big interest from abroad. It is an educational art project which hosts the portrait exhibition of 12 remarkable female Ukrainian scientists around the country. It has reached dozens of cities and villages in Ukraine and has also drawn attention to itself in Europe. The initiator of SHE is SCIENCE Sergey Tokarev proudly shares the project’s goals, achievements, and plans.

Project’s educational goals

According to Sergey Tokarev, although the idea of the exposition SHE is SCIENCE popped up quite unexpectedly, it had had a background. The organizers held a survey and asked the respondents to answer how many female scientists they remember. It turned out that, apart from Marie Curie, many could not remember a single name at all. Therefore, the project initiators decided to rectify the situation.

At the same time, the organizers chose a very interesting way to describe the heroines, combining visual arts and an essay competition. In total, the exhibition presented 12 portraits of female scientists created by five well-known illustrators from Ukraine, headed by Sergiy Maidukov. And the captions to these portraits were written by Ukrainian girls who became winners of the All-Ukrainian essay competition. These pieces of writing by young authors between the ages of 14 and 21 have a distinctive feature— they do not give a naked outline of facts but convey the real emotions of the participants. And this, according to the initiator of SHE is SCIENCE, attracts young people, and they show genuine interest in the stories of the heroines without being forced by teachers and parents.

International interest

While the SHE is SCIENCE exhibition was in the around-the-country tour, many foreign representatives got interested in hosting this creative project in their countries. Thus, the project organizers are negotiating with some countries to expand the concept of gender equality in science and demonstrate the 12 remarkable portraits of Ukrainian female scientists.

The first country SHE is SCIENCE visited was Germany. The exposition was presented as part of the Days of Ukraine in Brandenburg and Berlin. Then, it will head to Brussels and be opened on October 26. The Embassy of Ukraine to the Kingdom of Belgium will host the exhibition there.

The exhibition will be held in France. Its opening is to be in the hall of the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. In the same month, it will overfly the ocean and land in the US. The exhibition will be complemented with a discussion section about women in science.

Sergey Tokarev is an investor and co-founder of the technology company Roosh, an initiator of the project SHE is SCIENCE. All the events of the project are supported by the Ukrainian Embassies of Ukraine in the respective countries.


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